The Luminous Body Podcast
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? This is your opportunity to learn about the immense power humans have to heal, and how you can unlock the secrets of the body and harness that energy to transform your life and elevate your vitality.
Welcome to the Luminous Body podcast with Dr Jaxson Wearing and Dr Hilary Conroy, who will be your expert guides in holistically transforming your health and restoring balance back to your body. As business owners, health professionals, and a married couple, their backgrounds give them a wealth of knowledge in both the chiropractic and kinesiology worlds, but also in living life authentically and unapologetically!
As society broadens its view of traditional medicine and embraces a more holistic approach to health care, they’ll help you navigate the wide range of information available, and shed light on the best practices for your journey. They’ll focus on the whole picture of what it means to be healthy: addressing the physical, emotional, and chemical symptoms that your body is showing you and then how to heal them, giving you your power back to make your own healthcare decisions based on what's best for you as an individual.
So subscribe now and join in every Monday for a new episode - they’ll be breaking down everything you need to know about the mind, body, and soul (alongside some incredible guests!), giving you all the answers and tools you need to embark on your own transformative journey.
Get ready to unlock your inner light and start healing from within!
The Luminous Body Podcast
The Power of Chiropractic: It’s Not Just About The Crack!
Chiropractic is often associated with the powerful cracking noise made during an adjustment. But it’s not the crack that is the therapy - it’s the careful manipulation of the joint, the fluid in the joint, and the delicate balance of the nervous system structures coursing through it. It’s a whole-body approach to finding harmony between all parts!
Whilst it’s the most commonly known part (and most satisfying!) of your chiropractic appointment, chiropractic is so much more than just the crack - it’s a science, it’s an art, and it’s a philosophy that both of us have dedicated our lives to. We’re taking you through your own Chiropractic 101 this week, to give you a better understanding of this dynamic modality, what we do, AND why we do it. We’ll explore the complexities of brain signalling pathways, and how mind-body connections are formed. As primary healthcare practitioners, we have the ultimate responsibility for each patient that comes into our clinic. It’s our job to get to the bottom of their pain and injury and decipher the signs and symptoms that indicate that delicate balance of the nervous system and musculoskeletal systems. When this balance is compromised, it also severely compromises a patient’s daily well-being, and it takes far more energy for a body to function when it’s spending precious time compensating for it. We’ll be looking at the physical techniques that we use to diagnose the body, and how we use adjustments in the joints to correct misalignment in the body. We’re often stuck in the ‘mind’ part of our mind-body balance, but we can’t neglect the ‘body’ if we want to be truly, holistically healthy - and this is where chiropractic shines.
We’re exploring the power of chiropractic:
🦴 Chiropractic as a science, art, and philosophy, and how we utilise it as detectives of the human body
🦴 The relationship between the nervous system, the spine, and the joints, and the critical importance of creating a perfect connection between them
🦴 Correcting misalignments in the body via physical adjustments to promote health, energy, and vitality
🦴 Our ‘why’s’: the story of how we both found chiropractics and why it has become our passion in life
Get ready to unlock your inner light and start healing from within!
And if you have any comments on the show, any questions you might want answered, or you just want to connect - reach out to us directly @hilary.conroy and @drjaxsonwearing
We’re here to help you understand the full power that breathwork can have on your physical and mental health - Jaxson is hosting our Creative Conscious Breathwork sessions, using a combination of energy work and sound healing practices to elevate your consciousness: https://www.luminousbody.co/events
Unsure of where to start on your own stress management path? We get it - with so much information out there, even dealing with stress starts to sound… well, stressful! We’ve created a FREE e-book for you that gives our best practical advice and actionable strategies to learn how to regulate your emotions and create a well-balanced and resilient mindset! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KfFguWPKblTAkKdrmgR66FDxlFnIHBeX/view?usp=drivesdk
If you’re ready to start your holistic health journey, we’d love to help you take that first step - feel free to contact us for any information or to book your appointment now: https://www.luminousbody.co/
All information that is provided in this episode is general, with t...